Friday, March 16, 2007

The Invisible Plug

Take on your worst fear
What is it?
That you are scared to tell someone you love them?
That you do not know how to say what is bothering you?
That you won't or can't admit that you are not happy with something and pretend you are?
That you are scared to change careers?
Scared that your dreams are not going to happen?

Whatever it is, try it, not sometime, however make a plan today
Start it this week
Draw up a timeline and date it today
Put it in an envelope and guess what?
You may never need to look at it again
Know you have given your brain a path
A Path to the other side of your fear
A thought process to conquer and teach you that fear is only fear
And that we can do what we fear and then it is not a fear it is a strength
Strength to say, that use to be a fear and look what the other side of fear was
All of this time
Sheez, it just meant turning the corner
Fear is blinding
Yet we can't forget that our eyes are meant to see
So look around the corner
And you will find another corner and another and another
Finally a walk around the block
The whole neighborhood is yours
Pick where you want to live
With all that you thought you didn't deserve or feel was for you
And when you settle in one area
You can invite others in
And they too will learn
The other side of fear
Teaching by doing
And doing by heart
Fear is invisible, yet it can be a concrete slab without a hole in it to peak through
Get your drill out and plug it in
Since fear is invisible, so is the place you can plug in the drill
Anywhere, Anytime whenever you decide
A decision with a return on investment
Your life with benefits
As many as you can accept

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