Monday, July 30, 2007

Erase and Release

It is so much easier to hold onto things
Then to let go
It is so much easier to say we let go
Then to have let go and it be gone

It is harder to actually let go
If we don't know why we are holding on
We really can't let go

Here is where you come in

You have to ask yourself why you can't release it, really
Start with Why
And you will find it is because inside you truly felt you were wronged

How do we clear a "wronged" feeling
You have to clear it with yourself first
And if it is possible with those you want to be clear with
You have to tell yourself, it made you feel vulnerable
That maybe you weren't respected, or felt loved, or cared for
And admit to yourself that you actually need those things
That none of us can live without those feelings

And if you can speak to the person,
You can say
Hey, I got to the bottom of why this or that bothered me so much
In the end, I just didn't feel cared for or about
Like I didn't matter

It wasn't your fault entirely,
My needs to feel cared for got in the way
And I just wanted you to know
It feels better to tell you

Thanks for your time

That alone clears the air
That alone clears your conscious
That alone not only releases what you were holding onto to
It erases it and it soon becomes a "remember when" story, maybe

If you can not release, erase, then you are still in it
you haven't come to terms with why

Speaking out what you believe is your truth
from your inner heart to the outside of you
Simply releases you of carrying it
That is the gift of truth
Once it is found
It never bothers you again

Friday, July 27, 2007

No U Turn

So many times we go back in life
To times that we only remember the good parts
And we romanticize them
And make them so much better than they were
And then we expect everything to live up to something we have rewritten
Giving everything now no balance
Or a chance to have a chance with us

You see, it is easy to look back and forget
So think to yourself that today is like those days, only now
That you will remember only the good parts in a year or two

So live better today knowing that
Our lives are not meant to U Turn
We are meant to drive ahead and see what is in front of us, not behind us
Otherwise we would have eyes on the other side of our head

Merge onto the lanes of life
The one's that include living as you are driving
Looking around at what is beautiful
Rather than the biggest obstacle you can find to complain about
Complaining is easy
It is standing up for your happiness that is waiting for you to park

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Stems of Trust

The stems of many mishaps

Stem from lacks of understanding
Of caring and what trust looks like, rather than what it feels like

You see, we see better with our ears than our eyes
When we hear something, would it make sense if we were not to see that person as well?
When we hear something we take in what we hear without what our eyes WANT to see?

When we are the people others do not want to trust
Is it because we don't trust ourselves?
When others speak of us as trustworthy
It is when we also trust ourselves?

Everything really is as it seems
When we can see
And Everything is as we want it to seem
When we are not ready to see

Trust in your instincts
They exist for a reason
We always know when we allow ourselves to do something that we know we are not meant for
Is it because we are trying to stop ourselves from the greater things we are meant for?

We all have a defining moment when we walk down a road that we know isn't our best choice
And we keep going trying to prove ourselves wrong
Wrong from what?

It is truly our fear of being right to us, to ourselves, since it brings us back to our own accountability
Accountability, Free Will, and Us not knowing how to believe we can do it!
Do it and that is truly how you can believe
Do it and trust that you can
Do it and give yourself the greatest satisfaction
That your instincts serve your truth
And your truth gives you the vision
And the vision of your heart
Leads you to a life that you ask for and are too scared to know

The stems of love can only stem if you plant the seeds
The seeds are your own love, truth and purity of your wanting to really grow on
They are the pyramid of your thoughts
And doing things are the actions of your trust
That is what trust looks like, feels like and is

Friday, July 20, 2007

Run Don't Walk Away

I don't like to not like someone
It takes a lot for me to say that about anyone
I really do everything I can
Every chance to say, hey they are not that bad

Yet there are some people who will come into your life
And no matter who you are, what you do, how much you help or service them
They find a way to say the worst of life about you
So much so that you may not even recognize at first that it is you they are talking about

They will gossip about you
Say things that they knowingly slant and let others form an opinion based on that slanting.
And feel good about it
As though they accomplished something
And then they try to justify it by telling someone how bad you are and them agreeing with you
and then they don't feel so bad, since they just justified it and got someone else to say yes too

And you feel the energy of it
And by then it is already in motion
And you can't come up with anything that would change things
Only because the intentions of others is to keep it down

And for those who are talked about
I realized one day, I would rather be the one talked about then the one talking
The one talked about is doing
The one doing the talking is covering up for what they are not doing

Always know the one talking is the one not doing
To keep things as down as they feel

When you hear someone talk about you
Walk away and know that time will answer every question
And that the talkers are also the one's that walk away when you need them

It is easy to talk about anyone
The higher road is the road of love
The road of love of yourself
Enough to trust
That those that do, is who you are
And those that talk are those that you recognize, like you would anything that wasn't right

Good Love is open and Clear
And when the air is murky
Run do not walk away
And don't look back, the talkers will be there

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oversexed and Underloved

As we walk around all day and all we could think of
Is who we love, if only they loved us, How we can love someone more or less
We dress to attract
We watch movies that are themed in sex even if it isn't the topic
We drive by strip clubs, bars, billboards of complete communication that you may find love because of a product
We work out our bodies, eat certain foods, stand at the sunset, go to the beach
We listen to music all in one way or another are about happy love, sad love, misguided love or lost love

We strive for love
Look for love
Dress for love
Drive for love
Our house is to show how we love
Our car is show our worth of love
Our conversations say we are alluring enough to know for love
Our loneliness tells us we must fight for love

And then we find another to love
And we are still bombarded with the stimulus to love
All around us
And as time goes on we think, now we can do better at love
Not this person or that
Not this car
Not this house

I want new, new, new
I want to feel new at love
I don't want to try at love
I already know this person
I want to start over and know another person
That special feeling of love is gone

It is not gone
It is you that is gone
It is you that stopped giving, receiving, sharing
It is you that decided you would rather start again than to learn to be on the "other" side of love

The side that takes you beyond sex
The side that says I have been here and I found out this person really is beautiful when they are loved
that I feel beautiful to be loved with calmness around me
that I don't need the drama's to prove I am loved
I don't need to flirt around to prove I am worthy of love
I don't need to Use anyone else to feel loved
That I could accept love to me

When you want to run away from another and start again
It could be you that it is meant to move on that you understand this isn't the depth of love you know you can feel
You usually know that right away and stop dating
Yet if you have been with someone for a long time and you loved them deeply
Then you do love them
It is not that they are bad because you already know them
Discover them as they are known
Live in their worth of themselves as you discover your own worth
take life on with them as though they are new

You see they are new
New to themselves
New to others
And new to you if you can see it that way

We tend to take away the beauty when we get edgy within ourselves
Sometimes we don't feel we deserve love so we look for sex to tell us we are loved
Sex and love have very little to do with each other these days

Sex is an act you can do with anyone and not even know their name
Love is a feeling that carries you in all of life, starting with first knowing your parents to everything else you know through out life
Sex is a stimulant and a beautiful thing
Yet we all find out in life if you are having sex with out love you can leave a room emptier than when you walked into it
For men sex is a notch
A proof positive that he is alive and vital
And for women sex is a proof of being loved and accepted

Sex is neither of those things
Sex is love's truth
Sex is loves sharing
Sex is the closest way to commit your intimacy to yourself and another

And we have taken sex and used it
we use sex to sell everything from gum to newspapers
We use sex to say we are worth something
We use sex to hurt others
We use sex to hurt ourselves
It is paid for
It is bought
It is sold
It is non discriminatory to children in ways most of us couldn't conceive

And we found out that sex is special when it is with someone special
It is even better when we are committed to another in a way that we don't commit anywhere else
We are meant to be partners, not alone
And yet we are not truly meant to have many at once
It is confusing at best
And the jealousy's and arguments, status of who is more important and more love would never end
Sex is the gift of love
We simply realize that sex is a gift period
We forget the love part
Yet without it sex is oversold and over rated
It is a picture or a way we are supposed to act

Sex is a part of life
A release and expression
A fast moment at times
A slow day at other times
Sex is the story of our hearts
And we write that story
And it will become what we look for
When we settle our love settles and our sex feels like nothing
And when we look for love we find that love carries sex, like the love of life carrying us
WE are free to understand other things once we can say sex is beautiful from heart
And until we can say that and understand who we are in love and sex
We will look for it until we do
that is why we have so many lookers and trying souls
they want to find it, live in it's secrets and grow to greater depths of life
that is the treasure at the end of the rainbow
And that is when you find out the glory of any rainbow is seeing the colors in it
And the treasures present themselves along the way

Sex is over sold
And we can change that in a minute
We can say, I want to know people
I want to know myself
Enough to feel that my truth is present when the rest of me is
I don't have to "present" myself
If I "present myself" then I will only meet someone else who is "presenting" themselves
If I am me, I will find someone who is them
And then I could ask for what I want and need and I can grow and learn
If I am selling, I will only find someone who is buying
And If I am buying, I will always know I can return or exchange

I no longer want to play buying and selling
I want to feel love, and learn to accept it in heart not in body a lone
I no longer want to be underloved as I have underloved myself for a long time
I want love and as I have the energy of wanting love, I am sure to know it when I see it
It is usually the love I have been passing by, as I was looking for sex
I won't stop short at sex anymore, i will only continue to look for love anyway
I will look for love and know that when I can see love in others, it is when I have found it in myself

No more waiting for someone to notice
People notice those who notice themselves
In politeness to life, to others and to life again
Everyone is attracted to the beauty of feeling loved, I don't care who they are
Attract yourself to love and love will not let you forget it is there
It will only grow you in teaching you how to work with it without fear of it
I say over and over again
It is not what YOU would do in any situation of life
Keep asking yourself
What would LOVE do?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Everything For A Reason

When you don't feel included
It makes it easier to justify hurt feelings
When you don't feel included
You get to a place were you want to do everything yourself
When you don't feel included
You start to build a resentment and you do not want to include others
When you don't feel included
You learn to take care of yourself and you try not to build so much so that it doesn't hurt when you are not included

Yet you can also learn to include yourself in your own life
Make time for yourself so that you have balance in what you enjoy
Your time with yourself and your time with others

And the time with yourself will open the door to others who do what you have in common
As you are led through your desires to those who desire as you do

Nothing is as it seems
Everything really does happen for a reason
And everytime you are not included in one place
it simply means you belong somewhere else
If you are not at a place, with a certain person, at a certain job
It means it wasn't or isn't yours yet, as of yet, or maybe never

The time you have for yourself
Teaches you, you
You as you are naturally
And acceptance of who or what comes into your life

In truth it is not that you are not included
It is simply your freedom to find where you are included!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Spirited Thoughts

Love is objective

The worst truth is better than the best lie

Lazy souls, wilted dreams

Superficial is the blocking of the sun

Whatever it is, just say it, even if it is only to yourself

Not understanding yourself leads you to not understanding others

Not understanding yourself leads you to glamorizing others

Not understanding yourself leads you to thinking everyone else is better than you and your goal becomes to be better than them

Taking responsibility for your actions is the best any of us could do

Living in the moment is a gift and you know it when it happens

When you trust someone or something, you really relax

Food always calms everyone

Sharing food brings people together

Saying Hi to anyone breaks the ice

Helping someone melts the ice

Fear is the plug we can pull anytime

WE spend our lives looking for love, find the love that is already in your life and live in it, all the other love will come once you recognize the love you have

Trust in life gives you the freedom to think of other things

Traveling sure makes you appreciate Home

Home is your hearts content, leave the door open, put the key in a safe place, and allow life to visit, when you need quiet lock the door, only for a day or two, and then reopen for business. Business can not thrive if you are not open!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Hearty Living

Fear, Doubt and Worry will only stagnate you

The only thing between can't and can is you
Your mind is powerful enough to stop you
Why can't it be powerful enough to start you?

Maybe we got the power of the mind thing all wrong
That Our mind is supposed to be able to do anything we set it to
However we forget to include our hearts in the decision making process

Our hearts balance our minds
Our minds can easily think in ego
Who is better
I want to be better than
Setting your markers on showing someone something

Really it is you showing yourself who you are
It doesn't matter what anyone else can begin to think
If you don't think it yourself

You see, others see you even though you think they can not
Just like you can see as well what others do not want to show you

Show yourself and you will grow yourself into a someone
A someone who can stand on their own at the very least to themselves
We remember everyone we know who stands for themselves
And we learn from them without words

We are others and others are us
If we want to show anyone anything, that means that others are doing it too
However when you stop showing and start doing
All of that goes away

And then you have a gift left behind
A gift of self worth that can only expand itself
Extend itself like an open invitation
That when you wake up that day is yours
For real
And you will look back on it at the end of the day
With a satisfaction that no matter what you couldn't be talked into

It is a satisfaction in your heart that you will carry onto the next day
As you learn to look forward, and then forward again
Tomorrow no longer is far away
And today is yours to live in
So live

Monday, July 02, 2007

Simple Words

When someone talks about us and we hear about it
It hurts our feelings and we react by saying we don't care what others think
And yet we try every remedy to not be or do what they said about us and at the same time say we don't care

WE do care what others say or think or feel when we are being judged by them
it is true that those who talk about others are the least happy within themselves
yet those very unhappy people can really make us mad too

They want to poke and prod at life
So that others will feel as poked and prodded as they already are
They didn't come up with misery loves company out of nowhere

Yet we remain susceptible to them
Until we can call them on their actions
And let them know that the ill intentions that they carry for others
Is just plain unkind

Yes, use the word unkind
Rude will make them defensive
Talking about them makes you them
And saying they are unkind is so true it will bring them to light
With no hiding place

The simplest words can carry the most weight
When you tell someone they are unkind
It is objective
You are not saying only that your manner hurt others
You are saying to them, it must be something in you that is causing you to want to take away from others

We all know someone who enjoys sticking their greasy tongs were they don't belong
And we all have the grease cleaning soaps
And it is time to use that soap in a cleansing for all of us
You see, when you can tell another person
"that was unkind"
You show your strength by not approaching with the anger that was expected and wanted
You can turn the situation slowly to see itself for what it is

Try it sometime, it will surprise the soul with the eyes that can not see
Just because it is something they haven't heard before and something that is to true to ignore

Life offers us a way out of anything
And those ways come with the simplest soulutions
Step life back a few paces and let it show all of us what it can be

The only way we can see the wall
Is to walk back far enough to know that we hit the wall
And then we can walk around it