Monday, April 16, 2007

The Magic of Me

The magic of me is the happy in things
The beginnings that teach me to sustain to the middle, that teach me to sustain to the end
Completion of thoughts, of actions, of motivations
And seeing the fruits of the trees I took the time to plant
There are no mistakes, what happens is what I will
And what doesn't happen is what I don't will
And I have to be clear about that and what I am and what I will be and what I want to be
For I am just a soul
Who has the free will to speak when I want to
To do as I wish
If I could only understand, the wishes of my soul can be
I spend much time thinking of what I can not do
And I spend days and days of contemplation on it as well
Yet, What I can do is so much more, and when I am not busy taking away, then I can see for a day, and I say it is a good day!
So free will is really mine, I forget I have the choice, to choose the day and how I would like it to be
Free will is my magic and the magic is me
No one can give it or take it, it's free
As free as I can use it and let it guide me
As free as I can share it with the love of understanding
As free as I can see it and give it reign to show me
My free will is my magic and the magic is free

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