Monday, January 22, 2007

This Way or That Way

Lifetime sayings that can become Life:

Victims, he did, she did, they did, anyone but I did
Poor Me stories
Everyone is doing this to me
I didn't do anything
I had a bad experience with that
No one ever told me...
All I did was....
I have issues
I don't believe
It is impossible

Life that can turn into a Lifetime:

I did
I want
I will
I can
I love
It was a challenge and then I grew
I learned
I tried
It was not meant to be
It was meant to be
I trusted my gut and went for it
I took a chance
I have nothing to lose but fear
I am not scared

When something scares you, what if you face it with a why not?
When something says you can't do something, do it, just to see that it won't kill you
When someone hurts us, why do we give it creedance and when someone compliments us we take it away?
Why do we have to feel smarter than everyone else to feel good?
Why can't we ask for the best for all of us, since it will only make it better all around?
Why do we feel that we can't say what we think, and when we hear it from someone else, it is important?
Who says people are better than us just because we don't know them?
Who says we have the right to expect the world to be what we do not expect from ourselves?

We can only expect what we are willing to do ourselves
We can only expect what we are willing to see
We can only expect what we are willing to speak
When we do more, we learn to expect from ourselves rather than others
When we speak more, we expect to listen more clearly
When we see more, we learn to pay attention to what we have seen
When we are part of own lives, our lives become a part of us

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