Monday, September 03, 2007

The Trail of A Happy Thought

You wake up from a great dream you can not even remember
Yet you are happy from it as though you did remember
You were smiling when you woke up and that is really all that mattered

You decide very quickly what to wear for work
Without even thinking, you didn't put much time or thought into it and you felt free and confident no matter what you put on

You run through the kitchen to get to the door and you realize that you forgot to put the coffee on, and think, I don't need coffee today, I am already awake

You are driving to work, and someone cuts you off before you get to the freeway, and you think, that is too bad they are having a bad day

You get to work, and you are walking to your desk, and you pass several coworkers by, and they are complaining about the previous days happenings, and you say Good Morning and you keep going

You are lighter on your feet, freer in your mind and just plain happy about something and you don't even know what

It really shows us that anything can make us happy as long as we feel it and it energizes us in ways we couldn't even notice

And it teaches us that you can make a day happy with heart and love if we just think it, and it barely matters what it is we choose

Our mind is waiting for us to use it and put its strongest use forward

Just as easily as pushing the "wrong" button there is a "right" button too

How funny that we fight to have a choice in so many places of our lives and this is a choice given to us and we forget it is even there

Start with something you love and remind yourself that love can happen everywhere else

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