Monday, October 08, 2007

Blueprint for Life

What we need:

We need a political party that represents both the poor and the rich
We need credit cards that are not designed to keep you in debt
We need mortgages that are simple and clear and no fine print
I am thinking no fine print on the credit cards either

We need less pressure to have more work in a day
And more pressure to balance time to work, sleep, eat, and sit with your family
We need more pressures to complete tasks without so many steps
Be able to have a doctor to go to
Buy all the food that we need
Go to a Library to read

We need more pressure to build our neighborhoods,
Know our neighbors
Say Hello with nothing more to say

We need moments to catch up and rejuvenate
Leaders that we can depend on
Jobs we can grow in
Homes we can keep forever if we want to

We need streets that we all keep clean
Area's our children can play in without fear within the parent or the child
Homes that aren't behind iron gates

We need water we can drink
Streets without litter
People not living on streets
Care for those who can not care for themselves

We need to stop the blame
That someone who isn't ahead does not deserve time or a chance to gain ground
That people who need help are not to be walked by
That people who can help don't believe it is a choice

We need the love inside of us to not accept what is not working in our lives
We need to hear politics that makes actual sense, without explanation
Without fine print
Without loyalty to any party
However loyalty to US, people

People are a party
People are a race
People are of religion
People need food
People need homes
People need learning institutions
People need each other
People need love

There is no soul on Earth more important than another
When we can come to the thoughts that anyone is here by mistake or isn't worthy of what People need or want
Then we have lost already

There is no Them, since everyone is a them to someone
There is only an US, since we all share this same place called Earth
It includes US, Animals and Nature
And everything else is only a reflection of our needs, wants and desires

When you look around and find something to complain about
Look around again and find something you can do
That is balance
Pick up trash that you see when you can
Smile to another and remind them WE are here, there is not really a me and a you
Remember that there is no way anyone can do this alone
There is no way any leadership can work without people, nor can people find order without some kind of leadership

We each have a job to do,
We have a job to live and experience and grow
Yet we spend so much time trying not to change, to keep everything the same
Yet nothing is really meant to stay the same
It is meant to evolve and allow itself to find greater growths in each day

Most of our frustrations come when we feel we haven't done enough
Or we have done too much and no one notices

It is simply important that you notice
You see, if you notice, it can only be shared
And all the sharing of what you see, can only be felt
And feeling drives our actions
And ignites another

Anything can happen
As love finds a way to propel
That is how it is when you are thinking something
And then one day see it on TV,
Or hear another speaking about it

We are one
We hear it, we say it, and we can now learn how to be it
Everything has a blueprint and we are the blueprint of life

Life is the answer to why we are here
Living is how we do it
Awareness is how we know what to do
And love is the fuel of it all

Love is our true leadership
Love is our stem
And Love is our search
Keep loving and you have already begun the movement
The movement of living life as you can dream it
And dream it as your life gives you answers
And answers keep you thriving for more

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