Your higher self is talking
And you speak to it that it is not possible
That you are not good enough or strong enough to be that person
Your higher self tells you you are that person
And you should at the very least try
That you have nothing to lose
That even an embarrassing moment is a story of truth to speak about in love
Your higher self is you without boundaries and limits
That only you can put in and only you can release
Your higher self is your capability
Your ability
Neither of which know the word NO
Imagine if the word NO did not exist
Boy would the freedom of our souls be happy!
There would be no answer that can not be had
There would be a way to find to do almost anything you thought of
Capability just means to know
Ability means to try
To know and To try
To see if it is yours to grow more with
Or to let it take you to something else
Your higher self is your purpose
Not broken down into smaller parts,
It is the sum of the smaller parts that build you up to it
It is a higher love to see your higher self
And a soul that says I will because I can and I can because I will
Anything less than that is because you really don't want it yet
I say yet, because the day will come to you
That you can see yourself do it
And it will find a path, an avenue or a bridge
To take you there
To purchase your copy of the newly released book, "Origins of Truth" by Nadia Khalil Bradley, please visit her website at
To listen to or download a Podcast of this posting, please click on the bar below or visit "I Dig Your Soul"
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Bring Me A Higher Love
Friday, October 26, 2007
Think Love, Create Love
As Love starts to teach you
Who you are
When you think of sharing your home, your heart, your family
It tells you the best of you
As you present it all new
To a person that you feel love to
In a way that you always do
Love is not fantasy
Nor is it reality
Love is between both
That is the excitement of it all
When you think of love
Do you notice how you are in the best thoughts of who you are?
Some of us wait for new love to feel such open feelings towards ourselves
As though it is the only way we can feel it
Getting to the truth of things, you can feel this on your own
You see, love is love is love
There isn't one kind of love
Love is so open, it is in everything
That feeling of presenting your life to someone new
It is already present
As you build your life with love for yourself
That love, that excitement, that truth of you put out there
It gets to be present
And when it is present
It attracts those who are of love in that way too
Who understand that Love is love is love
That Love is a part of their every day
That anyone who comes to them leaves with love
That the more complete they already are
The more complete those that are attracted to them are
Everyone is attracted to a person who is already love
Already happy
Young children
And all other people
You start wondering what is different about you
And it is the new feeling of love, all the time
The belief that you are capable to have love
Simply to know it enough to feel it in heart
To live it in form
To stand within yourself
And understand it is a state of mind
And acceptance of heart
And lost ego to humble truths
That love is for all of us, even you
No one left out
Knowing Love doesn't replace challenge
It just makes it easier
That love gives answers that anger or feeling lacks of love can not see
Love is the freedom
Of your thinking and the compassion of your heart unto yourself
It is the opening of giving yourself a break
And the Love that comes with that knowing that you are OK
Even you, seems so far away at time
Love doesn't know the words, even you, even me, No to this or that
Love finds a way to say Yes
Yes to life, Yes to sharing, Yes to understanding
That love is simply life when it is understood and happy
Love is that smile you can't help
And the truth of why we are here
To learn to let go
Enough to open your heart
To follow the flow
Of love in life
That isn't meant to let go of even you!
To purchase your copy of the newly released book, "Origins of Truth" by Nadia Khalil Bradley, please visit her website at
Posted by
2:45 PM
Labels: "The Origins of Truth", Nadia Khlail Bradley, originist, purity, self love, soulgineering, truth
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Space Between You and You
Believe in yourself
And don't allow yourself not to
Speak your truth
And don't allow yourself to judge you
Wear what you love
And don't allow yourself to take away the joy of it
Say you can when you think you can't
Do what you say you would never be able to
And try foods that aren't "you"
Go to a movie alone
And buy yourself some popcorn
Treat yourself to a walk
Listen to music that isn't music you would normally listen to
And you will start seeing that you can adapt
That you can take in and enjoy what is new
That you too can be new
We think our job is to stay who we are
Be who we are
Act like who we are
And whoever said how, what or who we are means?
We are who we think we are, that is who
We are the person who can try things, leave things that aren't right for us
And build things from simple thoughts in our heads
Believing in ourselves starts with the thoughts of our hearts being acknowledged
And then acted on
And then expanding out of our comfort zone
We are meant to be a little uncomfortable at times,
otherwise we have no stresses to move us along
And we are meant to not be too uncomfortable for then we know what is not right for us
We always know what we believe,
yet we need to trust what we know
and then we can see
That belief is not a trick or for someone else,
Belief is available
And once you believe one thing,
It is so much easier to find other things to believe in
It is the growth of your soul, one step at a time
One moment to another
One decision to do so at a time
How silly it is to say no
When the fight inside wants to say yes
Let the walls of very hard years of keeping them there
know they are on notice
Put your heart on notice
That you will be taking on the walls
and walking around them
We don't have to wait for a good day
To say we are going to try anything
Today is a moment that you can look in the eye
And say in this moment I want to do something about what I have been thinking
And just see what happens
Believing in yourself doesn't come easy
Nor cheap at times,
But believing in yourself does bring on an inner glow
One that stands over you, guides you,
When you start to give up or forget why you are trying
Believing in yourself
Leaves the excuses behind
To purchase your copy of the newly released, "Origins of Truth" by Nadia Khalil Bradley, please visit her website at
To listen to a podcast of this posting, please click on the bar below;
Posted by
10:38 AM
Labels: "The Origins of Truth", challenge, comfort zone, honesty, Nadia Khalil Bradley, originist, self trust
Friday, October 19, 2007
Your Soul Is Not Your Body
We are trying to tell the world that our body is our soul
We found ways to fill our bodies
Change our bodies
Keep our bodies from aging
Dressing younger or older depending on what we are trying to accomplish
And then if someone is disabled we think they are less or need more help than us
And if they are sick we get scared because it could be us
And if they are dressed 'better' than us we actually think they are 'smarter' than us
And a bigger house only reminds us that we are not as 'successful'
Yet, I am writing this and if you didn't know me, you wouldn't know anything about me
All you would hear are my words,
You would feel my feelings for a moment of your life
You would share the love I feel in writing this, as I am writing it
Love doesn't look like anyone
Love isn't meant only for some
Love isn't meant to be looked for
Or "learned" how to be
Love is open and free
Love doesn't have eyes or ears
Love only has feelings and instinct
Love protects all that comes our way
When we know enough about its freedom to let it
I found by writing that my soul is not my body
My heart is my soul
My body is just the way I get around
And everyone else too
Your body is the car of your soul
It takes your intentions, your thoughts, and it drives them into action
Your body will do anything your soul will ask of it
But your soul can not do anything your body asks of it
I remember most, that I always remember, what it felt like when I left someone
More than what we looked like or where we were
We leave with the emotions
That is why at times when we are not dressed and our guard is down,
Those days, they seem to be the best days we have
We are exempt from the race to be anything
Did you notice you are least shy when you are most open?
We can take a lesson from those of us whose bodies can not do what we do,
And still they are happy
Their secret is the truth of their soul's exposed
And we too, can learn
To let the body be a part of us and include our soul
It does not have to be one or the other, we simply can understand our purpose better
When we let the truth of us show itself, rather than expecting our love from the outside in
No one can ever walk away from an open heart
Truth is a magnet for its strength
And truth wears no masks!
Purchase your copy of the newly released book, "Origins of Truth" by Nadia Khalil Bradley at her website
Listen to or download a Podcast of this posting at
Posted by
12:38 PM
Labels: "The Origins of Truth", angels, body, judgement, Nadia Khalil Bradley, originist
Monday, October 15, 2007
Never Mind Why, Simply Do What is Right
It doesn't take explanation to do what is right
To do what makes things better
To say what needs to be said
Either side of the coin
When things are tough, tell the truth
When things are not, tell the truth
There is no sense in creating stories to make things seem more exciting
The excitement is in how much you love it, telling it that way
And giving someone else a chance to live it with you too
We always think everything has to be bigger, better or worth hearing
That we have to have a punchline or a reason for saying something
It is so much simpler than that
Tell the truth from your heart
And your heart will do the rest
When there is a moment where telling the truth
Is something you do not want to do
It has nothing to do with the other person at all
Ask yourself, why is it that you feel like you can not?
Why is your safety an issue?
Is your self esteem unable to accommodate truth?
Is lying something you want to carry around?
Do you want to create distance between you and the other person?
Do you not have respect for yourself enough to simply speak and grow on?
Do you prefer the dramas of lying that cause you to not trust others?
Most who do not tell the truth
Think others are lying
Are the ones who accuse others of doing things, being things they are not
Do not like to discuss details
Nor do they enjoy the fruits of self accountability
They are the ones who fear their positions
Their posts in life
That their charminess will wear out
That their cover will be blown
That maybe they are a fraud altogether
They will claim to have everything under control,
As if they had to
They will tell you how great they are
As if you needed to hear that
When someone speaks with their heart
they even allow for those who don't
Time to speak, and hear themselves talk
Simply because they already believe they will speak from the heart
And when they find out that is not what is happening
They start feeling used, without words or actions yet
As time passes and you are in a relationship
You start to realize that the other person doesn't pay attention to you they way you do to them
That when THEY are happy you are OK, when THEY are NOT, you are in Trouble
The balance shifts to their moods and the one with heart accommodating the one who speaks in exaggerations of truth and you are left realizing that maybe you have chosen a person who lives in the illusions of their truth and it all is not so real
Getting to know another person is for these reasons alone
Is this a person you can depend on
Does this person bring you peace and joy
Warmth or comfort
Or are you more fractured with them and more whole without them
A job, a friend, a partner, a spouse
All the souls who find their way to us
Teach us who we are by what we do not accept from them
They Hone us into speaking up
Fighting for our own souls
Making our way without questions as to what is right or wrong,
however, what we are RIPE enough to learn
We can only learn what we are ready for
And others may serve as a catalyst for such learning's
Or they may be a soul we are meant to share much more of ourselves with and life with
We try to make everything "forever"
yet there is no time
There is a bigger picture
And some things are meant to teach us for a moment
And others are meant to carry us for a lifetime
Accept life for the challenges it gives you
And you will see that life will always have a challenge for you
It will always always remain and be
Your level of understanding
And your willingness to learn that will carry you
Once you can see that
The turmoil's of what to do, how to be, what to say, and what not to say are already answered
Our energy proceeds us
And we speak without speaking words
Trust in the bigger picture of our purpose can carry you through the moments of indecision
Clairty of your purpose
Knowledge of your soul
Understanding that you are not meant to be everywhere at once
Gives you the basis and understanding that you WANT to be where you at least choose to be
And the places you choose to be will allow you to experience them whole
To purchase your copy of the newly released book, "Origins of Truth" by Nadia Khalil Bradley, please visit her website at
To listen to a podcast of this posting, please click on the green arrow on the bar below;
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Posted by
11:32 AM
Labels: "The Origins of Truth", clarity, honesty, love, Nadia Khalil Bradley, purity, purpose, truth, turmoil
Friday, October 12, 2007
Choose Love
Walk away from those who let you down
Walk away from those who do not care that they hurt your feelings
Walk away from those who set you up
From those you know will talk about you if you mess up
Learn to walk away, rather than prove anyone wrong
It only takes your energy into the black hole they have created for you to fall within
You are allowed to say NO
You are allowed to find Love
You are allowed to find peace
You are entitled to enjoy your time
We forget that we can say NO
To what hurts our energy and takes away our speed
That which reminds us of failure rather than our hearts success
We are all as successful as we see ourselves
We are all as weak as we believe others will speak of us
We must remember that those that talk about us
are only doing so from their own weakness and their desire to weaken others with them
So that they will not be alone in the below the radar behaviors they take on
To caste worry, fear and doubt to anothers soul
We must take part in our hearts desire to take care of ourselves
By allowing what we love to enter our thoughts rather than just the one person who keeps finding a way to challenge it
Your challenge is to challenge that energy and realize that anyone who can take you away from you, you need to take yourself away from
You can attempt, however learn from your attempts
And learn that you can run, not walk away, when you begin to understand you are depleting rather than building
That you are not of true benefit to this soul, nor are they to you
That you can learn from each other at a distance
Rather than the closeness that has come to rob you both of yourselves
Love gives
When giving is not present neither is love
Choose Love
And Love will find a way for you
Love is the can opener of every can you have stored in your cabinet
Some have been there for years
Go back and let them open and those that have expired
Accept that they have and go on
That is one of the paths of self love that opens you up to less storage and greater freedom of your soul
Choose your Soul
And there you will find your true movement
Your content
And your willingness to go forward
Listen to a Podcast of this posting below:
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Monday, October 08, 2007
Blueprint for Life
What we need:
We need a political party that represents both the poor and the rich
We need credit cards that are not designed to keep you in debt
We need mortgages that are simple and clear and no fine print
I am thinking no fine print on the credit cards either
We need less pressure to have more work in a day
And more pressure to balance time to work, sleep, eat, and sit with your family
We need more pressures to complete tasks without so many steps
Be able to have a doctor to go to
Buy all the food that we need
Go to a Library to read
We need more pressure to build our neighborhoods,
Know our neighbors
Say Hello with nothing more to say
We need moments to catch up and rejuvenate
Leaders that we can depend on
Jobs we can grow in
Homes we can keep forever if we want to
We need streets that we all keep clean
Area's our children can play in without fear within the parent or the child
Homes that aren't behind iron gates
We need water we can drink
Streets without litter
People not living on streets
Care for those who can not care for themselves
We need to stop the blame
That someone who isn't ahead does not deserve time or a chance to gain ground
That people who need help are not to be walked by
That people who can help don't believe it is a choice
We need the love inside of us to not accept what is not working in our lives
We need to hear politics that makes actual sense, without explanation
Without fine print
Without loyalty to any party
However loyalty to US, people
People are a party
People are a race
People are of religion
People need food
People need homes
People need learning institutions
People need each other
People need love
There is no soul on Earth more important than another
When we can come to the thoughts that anyone is here by mistake or isn't worthy of what People need or want
Then we have lost already
There is no Them, since everyone is a them to someone
There is only an US, since we all share this same place called Earth
It includes US, Animals and Nature
And everything else is only a reflection of our needs, wants and desires
When you look around and find something to complain about
Look around again and find something you can do
That is balance
Pick up trash that you see when you can
Smile to another and remind them WE are here, there is not really a me and a you
Remember that there is no way anyone can do this alone
There is no way any leadership can work without people, nor can people find order without some kind of leadership
We each have a job to do,
We have a job to live and experience and grow
Yet we spend so much time trying not to change, to keep everything the same
Yet nothing is really meant to stay the same
It is meant to evolve and allow itself to find greater growths in each day
Most of our frustrations come when we feel we haven't done enough
Or we have done too much and no one notices
It is simply important that you notice
You see, if you notice, it can only be shared
And all the sharing of what you see, can only be felt
And feeling drives our actions
And ignites another
Anything can happen
As love finds a way to propel
That is how it is when you are thinking something
And then one day see it on TV,
Or hear another speaking about it
We are one
We hear it, we say it, and we can now learn how to be it
Everything has a blueprint and we are the blueprint of life
Life is the answer to why we are here
Living is how we do it
Awareness is how we know what to do
And love is the fuel of it all
Love is our true leadership
Love is our stem
And Love is our search
Keep loving and you have already begun the movement
The movement of living life as you can dream it
And dream it as your life gives you answers
And answers keep you thriving for more
Listen to a Podcast of this posting:
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Posted by
9:19 AM
Labels: "The Origins of Truth", blueprint, leadership, love, political party, purity, truth
Friday, October 05, 2007
Emotional Detox
Instead of I can't do this
I will try this new thing
Instead of I won't go there
Go and see what you were missing
Yellow doesn't look good on me?
Wear Yellow
Never gone back and said you are sorry to someone from years ago?
Call them now
Your closet need cleaning?
Don't get dressed one morning and just start cleaning it
Wanted to cook and instead are planning to grab something on the run?
Keep thinking of going for a walk?
Go and Walk
Keep thinking to plan a get together at your home?
Start making phone calls
Love to cook and never have the ingredients?
Buy them and stock them, you will always be ready
If there is someone you really love and you have never told them
Tell them and expect nothing back
You see it isn't what you are doing
It is what we are not doing to each other
It is what we are not saying
Not sharing
Cleaning ourselves from the inside out
Is to give our soul free reign as to who we are
Without shutting out the beautiful parts, always on our way to them
Wash your car
Use the bathroom before you leave
Say thank you when you normally wouldn't
And I love you to someone you do
Say you made a difference
And notice how you do too
Let the world you see be noticed by you
And the world will find a way to notice you too
Our souls are not our bodies
Our souls are our actions
Our love that we take the time to do and to share
Our love is all we have
When we are far away from love we feel far away from life
And when we are far away from life we say we want love
No more saying what we want and acting as though it is not right in our face
It is all right in front of our faces, and we are making choices to postpone, not say, not share today,
All that makes a difference to our lives
It is the invisible not eating when we are hungry
Because we have free will to have a choice
How about surprising your will
And letting it know how free it is
Please click on the glowing bar below to listen to a Podcast of this posting:
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Posted by
7:38 AM
Labels: "The Origins of Truth", choose life, detoxification, emotional, Nadia Khalil Bradley, originist
Monday, October 01, 2007
Don't Be True to Me, Be True to You
You tell me about yourself by what you say you do
If you ask me not to tell another something,
You ask that of someone else too
If I see you lie to another person
You most likely lie to me too
If you wash your hands before you eat
I know you wash everything else too
If you are OK with taking something that isn't yours
You will take me for what isn't yours
If you talk about others
Then you talk about me too
You see it isn't what you confide in me
Confidences need not be
Open and free is truth
Truth doesn't need an introduction
Or a premise or a thought
Truth just is
Just was
Will always be
You are not any different in front of me
Than behind me, when there is truth
We ask of each other many things
One thing I ask of myself
To tell you the truth
So that you know I am truthful
To treat you with respect,
Then you know I am respectful
To clean up after myself
So that you know to clean up after you
To leave you feeling clair
So that you know my intentions are clear
You see we learn a lot from each other
As we hear, see, and take part of each other
And we react to each other from that truth we see
Take part in your life
So that you can take part in anothers
Your children don't hear you as loud as they see you
Your friends can see you for what you have done, rather than what you say you have done
Your parents know who you are, rather than who they think you are
And your heart knows your truth no matter what you try to say
Truth is here
It waits for us to be it
We wait for us to know it
We say we are looking for it,
Yet it is here, and you already know of it
So use truth instead of using excuses to evade it
Let truth lead you rather than what you want to be truth
No need to take non truths and make them true
Stop wasting your time
Stop taking away from something that is already in front of you
And creating drama's to prove your point
With truth there is no point, there is only acknowledgment
Evading truth is like waiting for a train that is not coming
Use the clues of your life to bring you to speaking the truth for what it is
Because once you are true to you, you can be true to me
Once you start speaking with your heart
I want to be in your heart too
Once you start cleaning around yourself, I will clean with you
Once you cook a meal with clean hands, you will feed everyone
Wash your life with truth and let truth create THE PATH
There is not a path, truth is THE PATH
Anything else finds a way of leaving us feeling shortchanged and hungry
Truth is the breath of our souls
And the soul of your breaths
As you can share your heart when you feel it's purity
As your purity is the most becoming feature of any of us
Listen to Podcast of this posting here:
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Posted by
9:14 AM
Labels: "The Origins of Truth", love, Nadia Khalil Bradley, originist, purity, truth