Friday, July 20, 2007

Run Don't Walk Away

I don't like to not like someone
It takes a lot for me to say that about anyone
I really do everything I can
Every chance to say, hey they are not that bad

Yet there are some people who will come into your life
And no matter who you are, what you do, how much you help or service them
They find a way to say the worst of life about you
So much so that you may not even recognize at first that it is you they are talking about

They will gossip about you
Say things that they knowingly slant and let others form an opinion based on that slanting.
And feel good about it
As though they accomplished something
And then they try to justify it by telling someone how bad you are and them agreeing with you
and then they don't feel so bad, since they just justified it and got someone else to say yes too

And you feel the energy of it
And by then it is already in motion
And you can't come up with anything that would change things
Only because the intentions of others is to keep it down

And for those who are talked about
I realized one day, I would rather be the one talked about then the one talking
The one talked about is doing
The one doing the talking is covering up for what they are not doing

Always know the one talking is the one not doing
To keep things as down as they feel

When you hear someone talk about you
Walk away and know that time will answer every question
And that the talkers are also the one's that walk away when you need them

It is easy to talk about anyone
The higher road is the road of love
The road of love of yourself
Enough to trust
That those that do, is who you are
And those that talk are those that you recognize, like you would anything that wasn't right

Good Love is open and Clear
And when the air is murky
Run do not walk away
And don't look back, the talkers will be there

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