Monday, April 30, 2007
One Size Fits All
Friday, April 27, 2007
The Kid in Me Can See
When we were kids we made wishes
Now we call them dreams
When we were kids we said thank you
Now it is something we get back to
When we were kids there were long summer days
And now we don't get a chance to buy summer clothes before the season ends
When we were teenagers
We thought we could change the world
Now we just say that is the way it is
There is nothing we can do
When we were teenagers
We could easily see what is wrong
even if we didn't have a solution
When we were teenagers
We want to marry the first person we fall in love with
And then we learn what it means to actually marry
When we were teenagers
We fought for our rights
Simply because it may have meant we got to do something or not
When we finish college or start working
We say we are going to buy a car, a house, a dog
We are going to get a job, get married, settle down
Then we have a job, get married, have a child, buy a house
We grow a new respect that our parents actually have done these very things
And what it meant to them, how it got there before we came along, and that they are only people too
And then we stop growing, talking about how things use to be
Yet the current moments are just as important as the "old" times we speak of
A birthday passes and we don't want to speak our age
A birthday passes and we want it not to come
WE forget that we get to be each age for one year
No matter what age it is
Let it be and take on the years
Example 17, 24, 32, 45, 53, 65, 72, 86, 95
That gives us all hope that our age is an accomplishment
That our research and growths have given back to us longevity to share
To share our wisdom's and our resilience
A soul truly does not know how old it is without the evidence of it's own body
A soul is ageless as love is endless and life is eternal
As we can see the good parts we create them
Retrain your eyes, reroute your mind and follow your heart
Create you as you see
And you will teach what you are
And live within your truth!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Soul Talking
When something tells me I should walk away and I stay
When something tells me I should speak on it and I say nothing is wrong
When something tells me to do it and I don't
When something tells me to stop and I won't
When something tells me to try it and I say another time
When something tells me to say I love you and I wait
When something tells me to ask for help, I try harder to do it myself
When someone says I look great, I say no I don't
When someone says I did a wonderful job, I tell them how hard it was and what a pain it was
When someone says I am a nice person, I say Ah no!
When my soul speaks, I want to walk towards my challenges
When my soul speaks, I want to talk about everything and right or wrong doesn't matter, the truth does
When my soul speaks, I am open to try new things
When my soul speaks, I say I love you without expecting to hear it back
When my soul speaks, I ask for help and I share the growth
When my soul speaks, I say thank you for the compliment
When my soul speaks, my heart opens, my chances are clear and my will is stronger than me
When my soul speaks, I see, hear, touch and feel with a person who is my partner and that is me
When my soul speaks, I see, hear, touch and feel you
When my soul speaks, it calls us all to attention
When my soul speaks, it is attractable and attractive
When my soul speaks, it is the freedom of me
When my soul speaks, it is louder than US and we all touch it
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Expectation Rewind
When you do the unexpected you get the unexpected
What did you expect?
You can not get something different if you continue to try the same way to get it
You can only get something different if you do something different
Sounds so simple
Yet we will try to do things again and again with greater amounts of control to "control" the outcome
When the other outcomes can't happen if with control, they can only happen with openness to them
Try saying something different
Like when you feel yourself coming onto a situation where you could say something nicer
Do it
Like when you feel like you want to ask your children, what were you thinking?
You might say, what was your intention?
Like when someone says something mean to you, instead of fighting back,
Say, I know you didn't mean that, you must be angry about...
Like when you are already mad and you find yourself at the point of being mad at anyone,
Tell yourself, anyone is a moving target right now, so am better off not speaking at all when I feel like this
Never to forget, one of the most unexpected things to do, to grow patience with,
Is simply to not say anything at all
Silence is a language all in itself
Silence lets the other person see what they are up to
And provide a strength to the person who is silent,
At least until you can balance your thoughts and speak with a sense of love rather than stirring things up
Speaking in a tone of partnership rather than a tone of ownership, meaning you own them
No one wants to feel that, and if that is what is given that is what is received
Giving with heart brings hearts to you
Giving with love teaches love in groves
Giving with hope gives hope to all involved
Rewind your actions and take other roads
Speak a language that does not injure and you will as well find beauty in the other sides of actions
It is clear that when we are hurt we tend to hurt others
And when we heal, as we heal, there is enough healing to go around
All healing is, is doing the unexpected
Surprise yourself, and let what happens surprise you!
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Magic of Me
Friday, April 13, 2007
Same Difference
Monday, April 09, 2007
Change As Usual
It is not the usual
It is the unusual that we remember
We don't listen when we are bored
And we perk up when we hear something new
We go to the store and buy the same things over and over again
When we try something new, we get excited about it, we share it and we talk about it
When we stumble upon the things we don't usually do
Those are the very things that excite us
And yet we fight change so that things will stay the same
And when they are the same we complain that nothing ever changes
Change is the purpose of us
And fighting change stops us from everything else
Let the flow go, so that you can go with the flow
Change reminds us that we can still accept things
That we can adapt and grow
That we can still learn, that we even want to learn
Change takes away the fear of the unknown
And makes it known
And gives it life and that life can still give to us
Change is the change in our pockets
A few pennies saved can take us a long way
So a little change every day
Satisfies our lives in peace of knowing
That nothing is meant to stay the same
That everything is meant for change
That is what research is all about
That is what technology is all about
That is what schooling is all about
So let it be about our emotions as well
So there can be balance
Accepting that everything changes, changes the way we accept everything!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Anger Smanger
What is it about anger?
When we are mad already, bubble gum on our shoe can set us off
When we are happy, us having no money is not as big a deal.
What is it about anger that clouds everything else?
Anger is deep seated and closed minded
Anger does not want a solution or justice
Anger wants to win, yet it doesn't know exactly what it will win
Anger wants to blame,
Say that nothing works out
Anger tells us that everyone is not good
That no one cares
That it is someone else's fault
Yet we don't go back to the stem of our anger
It is at ourselves for not taking care of us
It is the pressure that feel with the stuff we can't control and we get mad at us for doing nothing about it
Or being unable to.
And then we wait until we are with someone we love and we let it rip on them, and all they were or are is a moving target
We just think because we love them and them us, that we can do that to them, which eventually becomes to us.
Anger is the thief that lives in a home and steals without a weapon
Anger is the story behind many stories of discontent
Yet it is never found to be the culprit, we choose someone and they are the reason
Anger is the lost part of us that we don't even know is there.
It is the thing we deny, won't speak on, release or at times even know has built up
So we have to ask ourselves
About that fuse that can be so short that it surprises even us
What am I really mad at?
Would I have been mad at this otherwise?
What is my intention?
Do I really want to solve this?
Is my speaking the truth to myself, to others enough?
Do I still feel mad or angry?
What else can I do to take care of me?
What else can I say or think to reach until I find the answer?
There is an answer we already know
And like any answer we have to look for it,
We have to research
We have to be honest and
We have to admit our role,
Our truth in it all
Clairty brings objectivity
And objectivity is the beginning of seeing your truth
No excuses or reasons to cloud it all up
Just truth to heal it from the beginning
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The Flex of Flexibility
Flexibility is the rubber band of our lives
It stretches around everything
It holds everything together
Like a warm hug on a cool night
It comes off and you can use it again and again
Flexibility of our mind gives us both sides to everything
Gives us happiness when we thought it couldn't be
Gives us answers that we couldn't see
Flexibility is the bending, the stretching
The pulling and the tugging
Of all that feels impossible
Wrapping that rubber band
Around a little bit each day
You find that you can do the big stretch
Without really trying
Every change
is a million baby steps
And one change has to happen before another can
Flexibility is pliable
And pliable is stronger than all things
For pliability has the side affect of seeing everything