I will remember this day that I stood up for myself
And paid attention to myself
And it felt great inside to know that I can
Otherwise it becomes like all other days
The days that we say "tomorrow" I will do...
Tomorrowland is borrowed time
To put off feeling great in a moment
To shop rather than pay a bill, pay the bill first, you won't want to shop as much
To appreciate that you have home, a car, a job
To eat at home to simply be at home
Rather than I 'have to' clean my home, fix my car, I don't like my job
To remember that these are gifts growing greater value in each day
Say please to yourself
Say excuse me when you bump into a wall
Walk back a few steps so you can see what you are doing
And then say thank you for noticing
Compassion will take on your love to yourself, to everyone
"Today" is tomorrow
If you didn't sleep it would still be one day
You simply rested in-between!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Say Yes To Today!
Monday, January 22, 2007
This Way or That Way
Lifetime sayings that can become Life:
Victims, he did, she did, they did, anyone but I did
Poor Me stories
Everyone is doing this to me
I didn't do anything
I had a bad experience with that
No one ever told me...
All I did was....
I have issues
I don't believe
It is impossible
Life that can turn into a Lifetime:
I did
I want
I will
I can
I love
It was a challenge and then I grew
I learned
I tried
It was not meant to be
It was meant to be
I trusted my gut and went for it
I took a chance
I have nothing to lose but fear
I am not scared
When something scares you, what if you face it with a why not?
When something says you can't do something, do it, just to see that it won't kill you
When someone hurts us, why do we give it creedance and when someone compliments us we take it away?
Why do we have to feel smarter than everyone else to feel good?
Why can't we ask for the best for all of us, since it will only make it better all around?
Why do we feel that we can't say what we think, and when we hear it from someone else, it is important?
Who says people are better than us just because we don't know them?
Who says we have the right to expect the world to be what we do not expect from ourselves?
We can only expect what we are willing to do ourselves
We can only expect what we are willing to see
We can only expect what we are willing to speak
When we do more, we learn to expect from ourselves rather than others
When we speak more, we expect to listen more clearly
When we see more, we learn to pay attention to what we have seen
When we are part of own lives, our lives become a part of us
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Happy Knew Year
What is it about believing that makes it hard to believe
How is it that the things that we believe are so hard to do
We all know better about many many things
And then we find that we may be able to do things better
than what we already know
yet we don't know what it is that is better than what we already know
We have found a way to think better is what we don't know yet
And better is using our knowledge to find the answers to what we do not have knowledge of
Trust in yourself, your actions and what you speak
Doing what you know
Having a place to start
Is a big key to moving forward and letting yourself grow
It is the beginning of a New Year
And many have forgotten the "New" part of this year already
Take what you already know and try it more often
Take what you already feel and let it be felt
Take what you have already started and complete it
We have become a society of "new" everything when we have to pay for it
We have become accostomed to only "new" things being good things
"New" answers being the "best" answers
And we don't want anything that is "old" or appears so
What is "New' is that we give ourselves the love that carries us when we need it
And find in us the answers that we already have and can use now
What is "New" is that we give ourselves a break and trust that we are already OK
And start from there
There are no Magic answers
There is simply Magic in doing
What is "New" is doing
Doing what you have not done
And letting that alone lead you to the "New" you are looking for
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Beautiful Today
How the more you have the more breaks are available, simply for having money available
We can eat still
We can sleep still
I realized the bigger price tag
Is not using the knowledges we already have
When we are in situations that call for the best of us to come out
When we scream rather than breath
When we are so hurt we want to hurt another with words that are never forgotten
Rather than say I am hurt
When we are so angry we risk the self esteem of a child
Rather than ask them what their intention was or asking ourselves what are own intentions are
When we take on a daily job and play war with a coworker to be better than them
Not realizing we are all working together and will see each other everyday
When we eat something that we know will make us feel worse
Rather then to take a minute to find something else that won't
When we have some spare time and take a walk
Rather than sit still looking for something to do
When we know we can call someone and share great news
And we don't and they find out from others
When we try to prove we don't need anyone
And those around us feel useless
All of these things bring about a stress that is invisible
Yet is the most expensive cost to our souls
The stresses that hunch our backs
Pain our necks
Leave us feeling unfinished
And we use aches and pains as the reasons
When it is the reasons that we know inside to be the truth
Give from your heart so your heart can be free
Speak from your heart and you can only share and feel love
Use your body to walk, run, take the stairs, you can only feel like you are taking care of yourself
Complete your conversations on a truth that leaves you both feeling hope
Find the hope of your heart and live in it
Do not store it away for a rainy day
Every day is a rainy day when love is not present
We all have it and we all have different ways to use it
Yet we all need it the same
Just say it, do it, be it
And it will speak for you, take care of you, and become the person you know you are
We are beautiful, we do not need to wait on sharing that beauty
Beautiful today makes today a Beautiful Day
Friday, January 05, 2007
Little Wing
Little Wing's wealth is in its ideas, thoughts, and answers of heart. I started out in a time of troubles in my life, waking up in the middle of the night and writing to God. I figured God knew everything. As time went on, I found that I had many answers in those writings. I started learning from my own writings. I couldn't explain it and I didn't share it. I did not want to be "crazy." And then the kicker came in, I was visited by Christ. He told me why I was here and what I am to do. I was not happy about that at first. I didn't know what it meant for me to know Him. I am a Muslim person by birth, and I didn't know anything about Him. I no longer felt "normal" and did not speak of him to anyone except my Mom, who was very upset with me that I knew Christ and not the Prophet Mohammed. Needless to say, I didn't have a choice in the matter! I see Christ in this day always. It has become normal to me. My writings are mostly his words and some of mine. I have learned the simplicity of all things and how we have found so many ways to complicate our lives. We don't know what we do not know! Our first book, Little Wing, is simply the messages taken out of about 600 pages of conversations with Christ. It is not about religion. In truth, God is not a religion. It is simply a book about all of us.
- Nadia Khalil Bradley
When We Speak to Eachother
When we speak that we do not want to speak to each other
This happens when we don't care about each other
When we speak we do not want to socialize
This happens when we don't care about others
When we speak we do not trust others
This happens when we are sad we can not trust
When we speak we have negative relationships
This happens when we do not know what to do next
When we speak we are ill
This happens when we are releived to not have to face life for a day, a week, or years
When we speak I need a drink
This happens when we need to escape the truer thoughts of mind and ease our day
When we speak there is war
This happens when we lose sight that a soul is a soul
When we speak there are gangs
We are saying that families have broken down
When we speak there are terrorists
We never really know who the terrorist is
This is what happens when we do not take care of each other
Is it too grand a gesture to come to the table with an open heart to solve
To say solvation
Rather than worry about salvation
To say soulution to include another human
Rather than solution without reminders that we speak about people?
Is our vocabulary helping us remember what we speak
or do we use it as a shield to speak our fears without saying them
To speak our aggressions without it appearing so
Each one of us can speak with love and it will not result in war
It is when we do not speak with love that there can be war
Love really is the strength that we forget that we have
Since it does not seem as strong as it is
Yet we search for it without using it
And using it is what creates it
Love is the answer, the key and the way into every situation
Love is the strength, the reason, and the purpose
Love is the dilution of all things negative
Love is the revolution of all things that search for growth
Love is the soulution that has no way other than to include each and every one of us
You Are of Love
God Almighty is present in always. His love is the love that covers all the layers of emotions on their way to solvation of souls, confusions, and once the love of God is asked for it is ever present, and without the asking, there is an isolation, and the soul stands in limbo, wondering what should I do? The fears that exist here, The Thoughts that take away, the deception of soul, the trial of many for the unknown to them is truth.
To believe there is evil creates it, to believe there is love creates it, to believe there is hope creates; therefore all things exist. You are of knowledge. Use it. You are of love. Show it. You are of caring. Do it. You are of awareness. Walk away from harm. You are of hope. Live it. You are of life. Create it. You are of wonder. Grow from it. You are of light. Let it shine.
The Seeds of Life Live Within You
To claim your own feelings is to open the door to internal wake up calls to all that lives inside a soul. How great a find that is. For souls wait for life to be what they want it to be before they can feel? Or pay attention? A lifetime could and does pass and that soul missed the chance to know of itself, to understand its purpose, and then to give back. For most can not begin to give back in a lifetime of lessons, for they choose in discourse to themselves their paths in life. All is well, it means that that soul will have other times and opportunities to come to terms with their growths and lessons, and when their growth is out of sync with those around them, then it is time to move on in life and explore the souls depth or lack of.
For anger at a soul is fruitless. Understand and trust in the bigger picture, that that soul need be growing away for its purpose is growing for all. Lack of faith is the irony of life. We speak, so we believe, we do, and we find out what we speak is not of truth in always, so caution becomes a thought. Fear sets in, worry, starts to build its house, and doubt become of the personality. Soon a fortress of stagnation is present. Grow and learn, learn and grow, for the seeds of life live within you
The Other Side of Love
The other side of love is of intensity side by side in simpleness. The other side of love is the light in which love flourishes and carries. It meshes home on Earth. It carries light not only to you, however to all that encounter you. For the other side of life holds no boundment, no boundaries, no escapes, no limits, for they do not exist. All that exists is the honesty in which life is of existence. It can be together and with in and with out the presence of the other.
For the other side of love creates. It builds. And it provides the time and the patience to do what is of light, no matter what the path to get to it is. There are no limits, there is no time, there is nothing. All there is an internal rhythm of heart that carries in the purity in which it is. For nothing is as it seems. Nothing is as it is seen.
Self Accounting
Where does a soul start? It begins with self accounting, and there is not other way to truth. For if a soul can not see itself, how can it see the soul of another. For then it will be what they want from others, without regard to who the soul is.
It will be what they look like that is important. How much money they have, What they can do for you. Otherwise they are out of the picture. That is usury, which is a form of self hatred, to use another person. To acknowledge to self that that is what you are doing, is to never be able to do that again. For that can only come from self accounting. To say, I did this or that, gives you a peek as to who you are and why. Self accounting is taking a look at your own role in your own life.
Experience is Repetition and Growth is Evolution
On Earth souls do not know what to do with purity. They say they look for it, however they do not recognize it when it is present. They say they look for it and when it is undeniable in facement of souls, they want to take away from it. To put it away, for then accounting does not have to happen.
Life is open to souls who are in search of openment. Any door closed to a soul on Earth is the souls hand that is closing it. For truth is effortless and all other avenues are avenues of experience. I say experience rather than growth, for Experience is repetition and growth is evolution.
Love is True Perfection
All ill willers of life on Earth, they are the burnt meals. They have all the ingredients needed, however they do not realize that the fire is always on. Life on Earth is never what it seems. It is always better, truer than any soul could know. The assumptions of souls create havoc. They become havoc, for when the mind does not trust the heart within a soul, there is insecurity and that builds into what you call dramas.
In all places. In all ways. In allness of souls objectivity. For all things can not be perfect, however all things can be love and that is true perfection. Without love to propel anything, it can not happen. Love is the maker of things. Love is the grow of peoples. Love is the creator of things. Love is the Creator of people. Love is God. For God's creations are of infinitcy.
Love Is Fluid (Part 1)
People are having much trouble for they do not have a defining of love. They do not know what it means so much, they think it is a thing. They think it is a person, a place, a status of a ring, house, car, kids, however like sex it is not an act, it is an emotion, love is an emotion, not an act. Nor is it in another person. You see love is fluid.
Love is like a liquid. It is fluid in its nature. For at home love is seen, felt, and absorbed at the levels in which it is understood and given. It is received without hesitation. Love on Earth is received in hesitation.
Love Is Fluid
Trust is low on Earth, so that means truth is low on Earth and with that, love is hard to find emotion in it's existence to grow from. So love becomes what a person does or says, yet no matter what another souls does or says, when love, in purity is not present it is known to both parties. It is not of rejection as one might think, love exists where purity exists.
Most of the time love is one sided and can carry itself on the purity of one for a while, however the balance will not exist to carry it further and that is when love can not sustain. On Earth they say that love dies. It does not die, it is diverted so that the soul can carry on in search of love in purity. That is what is happening. It is not a failure as souls have come to call it, it is simply evolution.
God Is Present In All Things (Part 1)
God is simply God. The creator of all. Who is God? How did he become? He is the Glory of Love. His Love gave to us all existence and we return to his love for all nourishment of love. For God is not in need of any soul, however His nourishment of intellect is the existence of man. For Man kind is only one form of existence. Only one kind of experience. Humans are led to believe they are it and all else of existence is inferior to humans.
Yet that is not of truth. All existence of balance in greatness, yet to grow each source without the knowledge of God and learning of God and remembering the warmth of home show that true love is possible, however can it be found without the love of God present? That is trust and trust in the drops of God we call people. For God is present in all things.
God Is Present In All Things (Part 2)
God is present in all things. When we are alone, we know we are not, however self motivation to pity oneself is with God as well. For God sees, hears and loves all. God is of Greatness, however God is not alone in greatness, we all are of greatness for we are of God. God is not to be glorified greater than the souls in which he gave love to. All God can do is enjoy and fulfill in the love that exists. From us, with us, around us. For free will brings us back to God.
Go Back to Love
Self love
Self accounting
Love on Earth
Love at home
Love of each other in all ways
When love is in truth it is in all ways
God is love
Love is God
I am love
You are love
Love is constant and forever and in timeless of time.
The man that sends the sons of others for money and not truth will never find truth.
Love can not be tampered with. And there is much manipulation in and around the human mind andheart. Those who know not what they say, see not what they do, care not of souls of others in relation to their own, manipulate to receive unjustly, to control to grow egonomic power, to live in insecurity and disguise it as strength, to speak truth in pretendment and anger at truth in reality, to dim another’s light to light your own, is the manifestation of the meek, in the taking away of self, hence others, hence life on Earth.
For all is affected and all is seen, and yet in that seenment there is acceptance, for the minds of the likedness know of the security it provides to continue in the path of suchness to self and to each other, hence the taking awayment of, inequity of souls. For that can not balance, and there is no soul on Earth more important than another.
Time Is the Best Teacher (Part 1)
Love is constant and forever and in timeless of time. For time is created and love is love forever for time is created to carry souls on journeys and send them back home. For time is movement. Time gives souls a track to follow, to pace, to glorify and to take away. Time is the balance of free will, for time adds the pressure of giving free will boundaries to make decisions and to find out the truth of self within.
What will a soul do when there is not time to know all things? When there is no time to think through? When there is no time to care whether it is in pure intent or not? And Time will teach each and every soul of itself, hence of others. For again and again, time is the best teacher.
Time Is The Best Teacher (Part 2)
Truth rules. Love soothes. And purity is known. It is of simpleness known in yet another way. For God Almighty is only love. All else is known in love. In absence of love there is conflict. And within conflict there is free will. There is the fork in the road and that fork is self motivation or pure intent. That is there for all to choose. And the paths begin.
And life twists and turns. The struggles of low energies and higher energies face to face. And pure intent surfaces over time. And self motivations job is to hide itself and appear as pure intent. And all truths come in time. For time is the best teacher. For it is the teacher and the teachers must know more than the student to teach the student.
What will a soul do when there is not time to know all things? When there is no time to think through? When there is no time to care whether it is in pure intent or not? And Time will teach each and every soul of itself, hence of others. For again and again, time is the best teacher.
So Simple Is Choice
So simple is choice. Is decision. Is letting go. For there are endless choices, what choices a soul makes are the decisions to influence heart, mind and what can grow into their lives. These choices are of great value. No one soul has to do anything! Everything is a choice. The hand of the soul on Earth is greater in Strength than any soul can know.
And yet the strength is squashed and the complications and explanations begin. All the stories told to convince, to sway, and to add to the pressures of life. All of the hurts that carry when they could have been soothed into growth. For a soul does not know what it does not know, however pure intent, truth to self, and love of self will overcome any obstacle.
So Simple is Choice (Part 2)
All things will happen in each day. What things does a soul choose? All moments will have something in them. What does a soul choose? All days will contain love. Will a soul see it? All days have skewment. Will a soul be drawn to it? All days have time. Will a soul use it in fear or in love? All days have other souls. Will a soul share it? All days are opportunities. Will a soul take them?
All days are times of growth. Will a soul know it? All days produce a conclusion. Will a soul have closure? All days end in rest. Will a soul be able to? There are no maps. No guidelines. Souls are told what not to do, and they also know what to do, how do they choose?
How do they know better or worse for themselves? What factors come into choice? The answer to all the questions above and beyond all questions is love, purity and truth. To self. Self love. Self Purity. Self truth. It is all so simple. It is all so clear. It is all right here, right now.
Love of Self
Peoples want so much to believe in the magicness of life on Earth. They will learn that they do not have to act anything to be in the love of self, hence others. For you do not have to be born in the criteria of what it means to love. You are born in love and that is not of judgment of other souls. For each soul came with its purpose of who they are. Of why they are.
For the human eyes can see, however what if there was not vision. For then there would be no difference. For the human ears can hear, however what if they could not, for they could only love again. For the human hands can move, however what if they could not, for then there would be no way to eliminate another soul. And the human legs, what if they could not walk, for no one would be walken away from. It is of timeness now to give a soul license to live in the love of self.
Miracles of Love
The miracles of love in purity, internal, not needed to be of external to be understood, find the paths of light. Know this in always, for Earth, hands to many miracles and they are passed by for the intent is looking for something bigger, better, sweeter, and it is never found for the selfishness in which it is sought closes the eyes to the day in presentness.
To see what is in the day at hand is the grandest of life on Earth. To wait for things, peoples, better all the time, in simplest, is to hold time in place, hence stagnation. And what can truly make a person happy other than the self of the person, of the soul.
Solvation (Part 1)
Laugh through life for it gives life on Earth a bounce of home to live in moments and not reject them. For to reject moments of pain, of love, of happy and of sad is to lose the bounce of home that cushions the road from the bumps that come with time on Earth. For the bumps of years ago seem solvable as will the bumps of today. For all is ofsolvable. Trust in life is key.
Solvation (Part 2)
All is of solvable. All that cannot be solved is what is worked so hard to control for how can control be solved? Control is of the weary, of the meek. For truly there is no control, there is anger at life and selfishness in not attaining, and no patience for the trust of life.
Trust comes from the intents of the pure. Love comes from the intent of the pure. When there is lack of trust, it gives us a soul before themselves of lack of intents of purity, hence once again, no love in realness. For love becomes the tool to be of happiness, when it is happiness that brings about the discovery of love.
Nothing Is As It Seems
There are so many ways to escape the experiences of life, and sometimes they are the only ways people know. Some like to share or find those who are growing, only to find out they are the teacher for those who do not know. And then there are some who catalyst and take souls to their next points, unknowingly, and then there are those who plant seeds of doubt, and yet it grows others around them, event though there is mistrust of them. For nothing is as it seems.
To see the panic of one person trying to please another is disheartening. It takes away from their souls and fills it in with the things that continuously take away and flourish feverish frets. Measurements, competitiveness.
Competition is of fun to grow and to stir the mind into growth. Competitiveness is entirely different. It is of willingness to do things that are not of giving, however of taking away. Those are the greatest losses of truth. Hurting the energy of souls hurts all else
Tug of Love
Love does heal and does give and does stabilize, however the fights of internal keep battling the hearts of humans. It is like a tug of love, for the expression on Earth is the tug of war. There is not tugging of war. That statement is of complete untruth. It is the Tug of love that is difficult to humans for the lack of self love in such abundance that it is not even in recognizable form. For we have all livedin loves propellment, live in it again. For we already know.
Recipes of Life
The recipes of life, there are a few and one of them is honesty. The other is pure intent. The other is truth. The other is learning lessons. The other is love. All go back to intent in your hearts heart and all others will happen.
Appreciation is so important in life. For then there is another resting place. Appreciation is of healing for the soul. Those who can not appreciate, they are not of resting. For there is not a point of comfort. Happiness is momentary, and taking is essential and giving is sparing. For it is giving only in self motivation.
Self motivations rests no soul. Self motivation takes away and gives nothing if it gives nothing back. Self motivation controls. Self motivation is a simple way of saying I know myself not and I can not know you. So simple.
Hence if there is appreciation of self, then there is appreciation of others. For you notice those who appreciate and you are drawn to them for they rest in heart and truth becomes the spoken word.
Love is Love is Love
When love is within a relationship, the true relationship will unveil itself in wonder. When a relationshipcarries not the unconditionality of love, the unveilings are of takings away. Love can not be used. It can not be made. It can not be because of anything. It will simply exist. And in existence, love can only turn a heart to growth. When a soul is in love of life, life can only grow. Love is Love is Love.
Fear Doubt and Worry
Can you believe that life is meant to be in despair? It is not. Fear doubt and worry stagnate the soul. For the choosing of fear is human. It is of the weaker souls who try to explain what they do not know and ignore what they do know. Worry not, for fear doubt and worry stagnate the soul. May all the stagnated souls lift their worries, and be free.
Success is a state of mind not a measurement. Not all people can or know how to understand life as it is, for most want life to be what they want it to be not what it is. For to accept life as it is, again and again, goes back to self accounting. What cannot be accepted in self can not be accepted in others…for one change has to happen before another can, believe and it will be, think and it will become, thoughts become things, things show others and others learn.
One Ounce of Pure Intent
One ounce of pure intent:
Know that you have a gift of love to share and to share and to share. For that is all you can do. Whether the absorption of such love is ready to be penetrated is up to the soul receiveing it, however it will happen enough to bring back balance of positive over the negative for souls in despair halt evolvement and that is where we are. For one ounce of pure intent, pure love will overcome any obstacle, provided it is pure.
Compassion Needs Nourishment
Compassion needs nourishment. And nourishment comes from service of any kind, and when service is lacking, then compassion lacks two fold. For that is why helping each other grows souls for then the compassion to a fellow soul is present. For when the soul asks only for itself, there is internal isolation, hence anger.
Thoughts are Things (Part 1)
Patterns are changing. Have changed and will become. No more to do things the same, for the same that stays will be the internal comfort, and the changes will be the growth of soul and will, and a new phase to present itself for your lives.
For nothing is impossible except for the limits of the human mind. For to not be something or to be it, simply think it and it will become. For to be hesitant to say of what you do not want for thoughts are greater than things!
Thoughts are Things (Part 2)
Notice; take attention, for thoughts are greater than things! For thoughts direct and give direction. To choose growth and love yourself enough to understand why, for to understand the whys in oneself, gives the understanding of motivations in others, hence compassion. For compassion causes movement to smile, to nod one's head, to help, to carry, to love and to motivate in life the carries of good will.
Love Propels
Love is not a thing it is a feeling. Love is not created or because of anything.
There is no harm that can come from love. For what love means to humans is happiness and when that is gone there is no sustainment, when in truth, love is the growing of happiness, in which it grows into in each and every day, and the discovering the other sides of love, of vastness of mind and thought.
Love is the hope of a heart, the newborn soul to earth. Love is the food in which we share and nourish our bodies; love is the movement in our walks towards each other. Love is the movements and walks away from each other. Love is the clothing in which we cover our bodies for it exemplifies the love of self.
Love is always understood by those who understand that love is for nothing. Just love. It gives and it does not need receiverment. It helps and walks away. It creates and leaves to grow. It touches and imprints life in growth. So simple is love. It is the clearest waters that shows all contents. So simple is love. It hides nothing, for the openness is freedom on Earth.
Nothing is as it seems
No one, not a soul, even those you don't like being around is without a plan. For no one is alone in this world or in any world, for God is tender to his creation of love and surrounds all with love throughout all of life. For God gently knows and sees all. With love and purity. With hope and desire of growth of soul. For the gentleness of love soothes, heals, growths and gives happiness where the eyes are in fortune to see it, even in times of hardship.